In our vastly changing world, as Christians, we are commanded to weigh and evaluate the information we receive in light of Biblical truth. The Bible is our supreme guide for faith and practice
1 John 4:1 "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world".
This is especially important when considering eschatology - the study of end-time events.
Mark 13:5 "And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you"
What follows are interesting links to the latest developments connected with fighting COVID-19, including conversations around the effectiveness of lockdowns, face masks, vaccines etc. There is also a growing concern, among Church leaders over the possible introduction of Vaccine passports and how the Church should respond. Added to these and other worrying developments is the looming Great Reset or 4th Industrial Revolution.
Please read, pray and weigh for yourself what these various ideas once implemented could mean for you personally, and more importantly how they relate to Bible prophecy and the return of Jesus.
For more on Bible Prophecy visit our Fenlands Evangelical Network
Christian Compromise and the Capitulation of the professing Church
Biblical Case Against Lockdowns
Should Christians accept Vaccines that used fetal cell lines?
Vaccine Passports in Church and Society?
Watch carefully the following 50-minute documentary, investigating The Fourth Industrial Revolution
* For adult viewing only *
Sky News Documentary SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: What Really Happened in Wuhan?
Time to assume that health research is fraudulent until proven otherwise?
Human Cell Strains in Vaccine Development
Open Letter from Christian Leaders to Prime Minister concerning Vaccine Passport proposals
Interview with COVID expert Dr. Peter McCullough concerning vaccine deaths
Dr. Tess Lawrie Discusses Ivermectin Metadata
The Human cost of Lockdown (as of Apriil 2021)
Privacy Concerns around Covid-19 immunity Passports
How Will We Know that a COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe by Dr. Liz Mumper and CHD?
The Scientific History of Lockdowns?
Lockdown a Police Constables Perspective
The New Normal, a factual, 50-minute documentary, investigates The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Dr. David Woods on the Global Reset - Part one
Dr. David Woods on the Global Reset - Part two
Ivermectin as COVID-19 alternative treatment
PCR Test Reiner Fuellmich​ - Court challange
Dr. Andrew Wakefiled Warning About the Experimental MRNA COVID-19 vaccine
A Timeline of Face mask legislation during 2020
Planet Lockdown - everything must change - interview with Catherine Austin Fitts
Immunity Passports - The Desperation of Fact-Checkers
French bill could ban the unvaccinated from public transport
The Psychological Attack on UK - Brian Gerrish
World Economic Forum by 2030 You’ll own nothing And you’ll be happy
Police break up church service breaking lockdown rules in Wales
Australian Christian Lobby: The Great Reset - The Truth of It
Peter Hitchens - How did COVID-19 become the culture war of 2020?
NHS Whistleblower - Shelley Tasker
Odds of Dying COVID vs Flu. Are they similar?
World Economic Forum: The Great Reset Launch | Highlights
Alternative Media:
NOTE: If any of these links fail to work please email